
5 Steps to Remove Blogger Footer Credit Link

Some newbie blogger like me can't afford to buy a website template so we don't have other choice but to create our blog for free on Google Blogger or in any other blogging site that offers free blog creation and free templates.

There are many good reasons for a newbie blogger to use a free template but it will surely come with an attribution on the footer recognizing the owner of the template.

You cannot remove or hide the attribution widget on the layout of your blog  but I found a way to do it.

I think some of you might still be looking where and how. :) 

So here is how I did it. I'm sure this will not take you for more than 3 minutes. Just follow this 5 easy steps to remove a blogger footer credit link.

Step 1.

Go to www.blogger.com and login to your blogger profile then select your blog to edit.

Step 2.

Go to Template located on the left side of your blogger dashboard and click Edit HTML.

Step 3.

 Click anywhere inside the code window and press Ctrl + F on your keyboard to show code search box and type either of these 2 line then press enter on your keyboard to find it:

<!-- outside of the include in order to lock Attribution widget -->

Now you should see this code:

Step 4.

Replace or comment the code section as shown on the image below.

with this

Step 5.

Finally, click Save Template to apply changes.


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