Tutlogger? Where did you get this name?
Tutlogger is named after the 2 combined words Tutorial and Blogger. It focuses on writing a step by step instructions about Blogging tips, Visual Basic programming, SQL Server Database and other tutorials.
Who is behind this BLOG?
Hi, my name is Resnef Immatong. I started this blog recently this year after my last job contract as a computer programming teacher in my small town. I am 24 years old and I'm spending most of my time in my room doing stuff like this.
One of my regret in life is not creating my blog 2 years earlier because I wanted to write even if I'm not good at writing. The reason why I love to do blogging is my likeness to share something to people who will accidentally find my posts interesting and somewhat helpful to them. Yeah, I admit I can't write like a writer, but I believe there are people out there who don't mind the good rhythm of writing but rather focus on the meaning or essence of the content I am writing.
OK. More details about you.
1. I was born on March 29, 1991.
2. I live in the Philippines.
3. I am not fat nor thin.
4. 5.4 '- Average height for a Filipino.
5. I don't like doing sports, but I play the car racing on my computer.
6. I love computer games, but I'm not an addict.
7. I always end up hating a game when I can't beat the hardest level.
8. But I love to play that game again when I'm not doing anything.
9. I hate math.
10. I love science.
11. I hate math problems.
12. I love programming logics.
13. My first job? Sales Representative.
14. Are you a freelancer? I consider myself to be one.
15. I've done program applications on Microsoft Visual Studio.
16. Do you gain income from what you do? Yes, I do. At Least for a living.
17. How about blogging? I am starting to love it.
Enough telling about what you like and what you hate.
Where can I see more about you?
Who is behind this BLOG?
Hi, my name is Resnef Immatong. I started this blog recently this year after my last job contract as a computer programming teacher in my small town. I am 24 years old and I'm spending most of my time in my room doing stuff like this.
One of my regret in life is not creating my blog 2 years earlier because I wanted to write even if I'm not good at writing. The reason why I love to do blogging is my likeness to share something to people who will accidentally find my posts interesting and somewhat helpful to them. Yeah, I admit I can't write like a writer, but I believe there are people out there who don't mind the good rhythm of writing but rather focus on the meaning or essence of the content I am writing.
OK. More details about you.
1. I was born on March 29, 1991.
2. I live in the Philippines.
3. I am not fat nor thin.
4. 5.4 '- Average height for a Filipino.
5. I don't like doing sports, but I play the car racing on my computer.
6. I love computer games, but I'm not an addict.
7. I always end up hating a game when I can't beat the hardest level.
8. But I love to play that game again when I'm not doing anything.
9. I hate math.
10. I love science.
11. I hate math problems.
12. I love programming logics.
13. My first job? Sales Representative.
14. Are you a freelancer? I consider myself to be one.
15. I've done program applications on Microsoft Visual Studio.
16. Do you gain income from what you do? Yes, I do. At Least for a living.
17. How about blogging? I am starting to love it.
Enough telling about what you like and what you hate.
Where can I see more about you?
rimmatong1986@gmail.com and iresnef@gmail.com
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